week #8 17th November

Research lab 2
Our group decided on finding ways of working thought levels as we felt that we don’t work our way though we just move straight from level to level. We started this idea by placing different body parts together and seeing how this can help.
We started with belly to belly. This ended up being very hard because to get up you both had to push forward into each other and if you don’t push with the force into each other then one of you would fall over meaning you would have to start again. We found that the only way that this was possible was for one partner to lift the other and push up to the bellies in contact.
Would belly to back be better?
We then tried knee to knee. This was better because the force from Emma went into the ground not into me making it easier to push up. We found that there wasn’t a very fluid way of doing this as we had to pull on and push off each other. I also found when watching that it still looked like they just stood up but I think this is because we don’t really know what to do when we do stand up.
After this we moved on to head to head. This was so much easier as you had the room to move unlike belly to belly. This is went I realised to more you were able to move your feet the easier it was to off the floor and move though the levels. Being head to head also made it easier to move when we were stood up because we had a big surface to move around on and on any direction.
Then we moved onto back to back. This was easier then belly to belly but harder then head to head. It was easier because you could push of each other knowing that your partner was able to hold you or push back. It was also hard because if you are the under dancer you have to find a way to push up and hold your partner weight. When I did this was Emma I found myself being the over dancer and there were some points that I felt I couldn’t help her get up because I felt I couldn’t push myself up while leaning my back onto her.
When doing this we found that we were still thinking too much about what we were doing so we decided that the pear watching could shouting body part at any point them you would have to change where the connection was coming from. When doing this it felt so much easier and when I was watching I could see so many different quality’s that weren’t there before.
After this we added more rules to what could be shouted at the people dancing:
• Moving up or down a level.
• Body parts.
• A time limit between one and ten seconds.
• Simple or most confusing rout.
All of these made the movement more interesting watch take part in.
Ending questions
1. How can we transition though levels without using the simplest rout?
2. How can lift be incorporated when transitioning though levels?
3. How does facing different directions change the roll of the over and under dancer?
4. How does a time limit change the complexity of the movement?

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