week #10 1st December

This week we continued with our scores. After last week’s jam we decided that three lifts was too many as we had to wait too long to renter so we decided to cut this down to two which made a lot of difference and added a lot more verity to the number of people left in the space. Something that also help was that we was we split our group in half so that half would ask for a number between one and five and the other half would ask for a number between one and ten this gave a lot more variety.
I really enjoyed our finale performance and didn’t feel that audience being there affected me. I felt like I gave my weight a lot more then I normally do and lifted people higher then I normally do. As we still left the corridor to chance it only happened once which was strange because when we have practiced it has happened two or three times .
Final score
1. Asking a member of the audience for a number between one and ten or a number between one and five.
2. If two people are left in the space create a corridor around them. (join in after seeing two jumps)
1. When you are on a low level move slowly.
2. When you are on a high level move fast.
3. If the number you collect from the audience is odd start on the floor.
4. If the number you collect from the audience is even start standing.
5. When moving though levels us the most complicated rout.
6. Leave the space after you have dance with the number of people given to you by an audience member.
7. Renter after seeing two lifts.

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